
 Basic Information

Name: Mythical Happyspirit
Species: Eastern cottontail
Family: Grand Tinyrose (mother) and Major Arcticgem (father)
Main Outfit: White star hat and green lei


Past Stories

The Birth of Myth

Unlike some of the other luckier children, Myth was not born before Count Fieryspirit began to take over Jamaa. On a summer morning, Myth's mother, Grand Tinyrose gave birth to the small, white bunny with blue markings. Though Grand was overjoyed to have a daughter at last, during Mythical's first few minutes in the world, a Gofnak soldier burst into their home, snatching the baby from Grand's gentle arms. Mythical and her family lived in a village at the northern peak of Appondale, so their part of Jamaa had not been harmed by the Gofnak yet (the Gofnak headquarters at the time was all the way in Coral Canyons).

Though Grand and her husband, Major Arcticgem, pleaded and begged for the soldier to leave their baby in peace, to take them instead, the soldier paid them no mind. Instead, he embedded a tattoo of a red pentagon with a crimson "H" at it's center, on Mythical's newborn paw. This marking would stay on her paw forever--as the ink used was a form of fire and acid combined (a new alchemy discovery made by Count Fieryspirit). It burned Myth's paw, and she screamed.

"Please," Grand begged, her voice aching with desperation. Fat tears rolled down her face.

"We'll both join the Gofnak forces," Major offered, his own face wet from his hysterical sobbing.

"That you will," the solider said, grinning an awful grin. "Whether I release your sniveling little child or not, you'll still join."

Grand let out a wail, throwing herself at the soldier and tackling him to the ground.

The soldier threw her off of him and handcuffed her paws together as well as tying her to a nearby wall. With a swift flick of his paw, all of their icy blue name tags disappeared.

"No..." Major cried, desperately pulling at the metal cuffs that locked his wife's paws in place. "Please, let us go," he shook the soldier, hoping to convince him.

The soldier snarled and spat on Major's hands, making Major withdraw his paws quickly with a sound of disgust.

"You will all join Count Fieryspirit's forces, whether I have to drag you all by your tails or not." He held up Mythical by one of her ears and gave her a good shake. "Come willingly and serve my almighty master or your little brat here'll face a fate worse than death."

Left with no choice, the entire family, wailing and sobbing and screaming, reluctantly followed the soldier to the Gofnak headquarters.

But the family was separated. Myth was sent to be "raised" by the Gofnak orphanage leaders in a horrible institute for young captured children called the Wokscram, and her parents were each sent to different camps.